We are NOT taking subs at present.
In the future we will be looking for -
One Shot comics and Graphic Novels (we're not looking for serialised comics)
For the Publication period 2024
Things that we need to know.
1. Who is working on the book/comic?
2. An elevator pitch followed by short synopsis. What's it about? How does the story unfold?
3. An example of the work to date (if any art is completed)
Things you need to know.
1. Time is short, keep your pitch tight and get the point of the idea over quickly.
2. We are creator owned, as a result we don't 'buy' the works from the maker. You'd retain at least 50% of the rights to the title, dependant on the contract terms.
3. We prefer complete creator teams, we don't match up artists and writers unless it’s for a project we own directly.
4. We're open to any genre. Comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, westerns, real-life, crime, romance & capes. Ideally, we're looking for mature and well structured genre stories, and socially engaging books. We don’t accept exploitative comics.
5. We're NOT looking for single issue ongoing series. We'd like one shots, graphic novels/complete books. This can be in anything from a small album (Asterix/TinTin style) 24 pages to 144pages books.
How long will it take?
Response times vary greatly. If you haven’t heard from us within 6 months drop us a friendly reminder by email and we will attempt to reply in a reasonable amount of time.
Send Submissions to
email: subs at